Apparatus for determination of apparent density (ISO 697)
- Product Code: MN060
Apparatus for determination of apparent density
The test apparatus is used for checking free flowing powders and granules, e.g. tensides and washing agents.
Therefore a bulk material is poured through a standardized funnel into a collect jar with a defined volume. By means of differential weighing the mass can be calculated.
Normative references
Apparent densities of washing agents and in special other powders and granular materials are ascertained by the International Standard ISO 697-1981. Surface active agents: washing powders; determination of apparent density; method by measuring the mass of a given volume.
Apparatus for determination of apparent density
Frame is made from painted steel with a stable and anti-slip stand. The dumping height can be varied manually by a sliding vent. A clearly arranged build-up allows a ease of operation and cleaning.
Consisting of:
Funnel from Castermid
Collecting jar 500 ml, Castermid
Special stand, painted steel with clamp,
Stripper tool